Waste Pile Conversion

In the greater King county area most people have some kind of slope to their backyard and require some kind of retaining wall to level out their yard. In this case, the previous owner of the home had used the slope in the property as a garbage pile (this is also how Queen Anne was create). The owner wanted to convert this space into an inviting outdoor space where the family could congregate around a fire pit.

We measured out the height of the mound at 12’ in height and about 200 linear feet from end to end. In order to avoid permitting we decided to terrace the wall. This required 3 seperate walls that set back from one another. This terracing required over 2,000 square feet of manor stone. At the time manor stone pallets came in batched of 30 square feet. This required over 70 pallets at almost $300 a piece. When labor, drainage, drain rock, filter fabric, finished are taken into account, this retaining wall cost around $60,000.